Hi my name is Jen and I am in a Blog Funk.
My fellow Funky Group may ask..."What is a Blog Funk?"
Jen's Definition of a Blog Funk:
You got no content game. You lack in the style of motivation. You just pin, pin, pin away. You think that you should make/bake that, but you don't.
Hi my name is Jen and I am in a Blog Funk.
I am funking so bad that I am cleaning, organizing and throwing!
"Quick, somebody give this girl a paint brush!
"And you are showing this to us because....?"
-Oh Because you have NOTHING else to WOW us with!
"Call in the Professionals, this girl is a Hoarder!"-Count them, 3! Derek is 6...why does she still have these?!
Signs of being a victim of Blog Funk....see below:
"When reading other people's blogs and seeing how creative and clever they are only makes you want to go eat chocolate instead of motivating you to start/continue/finish a project." -- Vanessa @ At The Picket Fence
"I know I'm in a blog funk when I'm not excited to write." --Elena @ `a casarella
"You actually think a post about being in a blog funk is clever!"--Janel@ Nellie Bellie
"Even I'm bored reading my posts!" -- Brooke @ Killer b. Designs
"You ask your husband what you should blog about, while he is watching golf and eating pork skins. And you seriously hope he can answer you." -- Barb @ The Everyday Home
"When you've had a project finished for two weeks, but the thought of staging, taking pictures, and then writing a tutorial is just too overwhelming!" -- Angela @ Unexpected Elegance
"When you would rather clean the toilets than edit photos for a post."-- Cheri @ Its So Very Cheri
"You sit down determined to write something, but even Pinterest hurts your mind, so you end up trolling everyone else's facebook pages instead!" -- Evey @ Sweet Song Bird
How do you treat Blog Funk?
- Take a blog break. See if anyone is willing to Guest Post!
- Pour a nice beverage, turn up the music and dance.
- A night out with the girls, or heck- even a pedicure!
- Scrub the toilets, and before you know the urge to paint will be before you.
- Stop trying to think of "The Perfect Post"
- Do your thing. Even if it is only 1 post a week...eliminate all the pressure.
- And if you are still in a Blog Funk... Write About it! {I am clearly on this step}
Last but not least. Remember Why you Blog. I know I blog not only to share my clever projects {although I do enjoy that} - But I also blog because I have truly connected with so many amazing ladies. I am in AWE at the talented, sweet and just down to earth Bloggers out there which I am connecting with. These are my friends! And I love them!
In fact...I have to brag about one of them right now. Give it up for Hilani who blogs over at Handmade by Hilani. Not only did we hit it off at the bar right away-Word- we both love coffee, talk like we are rappers and 9 years old-BOMB-
And how stinking sweet is she: STOP IT!
This sweet chick-a-dee saw me drinking my Starbucks all "naked" style..and Hooked Me UP!
You need a cute Coffee Sleeve? You are in luck- she has an incredible store, Check it out!
HANDMADE by Hilani
Thank you everyone for letting me just talk my funky self out today!
-- This really has helped! I will be back in action crazy soon- I promise!
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